Sky Sports Documentary: 'The Making of Ronaldo'

One of my biggest projects in 2014 was translating from Portuguese into English and transcribing in English around 7 hours' worth of interviews that Guillem Balagué conducted with a whole host of football people about Cristiano Ronaldo with special focus on his early years. The interviews were with the following people:

Aurélio Pereira - Sporting youth-team coach Luis Boa Morte - ex-Portugal international
Luis Lourenço - ex-Sporting player Jorge Manuel Mendes - football agent
Carlos Freitas - ex-Sporting director of football Jorge Andrade - ex-Portugal international
José Carlos Freitas - football writer for Record Nuno Mendes - CR7 museum curator
Nelio Cardoso - a father whose son is at the Sporting academy Rui Alves - CD Nacional president
David Gomez - CD Nacional co-ordinator & Pedro Talinhas - CD Nacional coach Martinho Fernandes - journalist & friend of the family
Carlos Pereira - Marítimo president Leonel Pontes - Marítimo coach
Ricardo Santos - Andorinha technical secretary & childhood friend

The show aired on Sky Sports on Sunday 11 January 2015 and some of the Twitter reactions about my contribution can be seen below.

Tweets about 'The Making of Ronaldo'

Guillem also wrote a blog about 'The Making of Ronaldo' which you can read here.

Marc Joss testimonial written by Guillem Balagué for

It was an absolute delight to be involved with this project and I'd like to thank Guillem for the chance to work on such an exciting and fascinating documentary.